Saturday, March 1, 2008

Weekend movie night!

My latest movie night started at 9:00PM on Friday and ended at 3:00AM on Saturday. The list consisted of three movies, each of which I will comment on now.


I love horror. I love Stephen King and his morbid tales of spine chilling terror. But I have to tell you, this movie just ain't hot. Maybe the book is better (mostly that's the case), but the movie does not arouse any fear in the mind, heart or anywhere for that matter. Moreover, Mr. Cusack isn't that handsome anymore.
However, the movie did make me think. What is it about fear that it is looked at with such fascination by us no matter how old or wise we are? I'm not talking about the nonsense that is portrayed in the name of fear in movies like Scream. I'm talking about the innermost fears of our heart, our secrets that we guard with our life, our irrational fears. Fear is such a thick emotion. Its amazing what fear makes us do, and not do.
Well, enough of my ramblings. All in all, on the Shiver scale, I give 1408: 6 skulls. Screw 'em, 5 skulls. :)

Jodhaa Akbar

Oh my Goooooooodddddddd! This movie is zu langweilig! I mean, yeah, its a good story, nice sets, melodious songs and all that, but couldn't Mr Gowarikar have used the scissors a little more? Three and a half hours! There were some hazy five minutes during a war scene that I don't remember. I must have fallen asleep.
On the plus side, all the actors have shown great restraint and skill in portraying their characters. I especially mention Hrithik Roshan, the guy who plays Jalauddin Mohammed Akbar. He's awesome. Ash Rai looks stunning as Jodhaa(I love this name). Not surprisingly, she looks even more beautiful without her trademark light eyes and makeup. The locations and palaces are picturesque. The dialogues are, for most part, not understandable. The songs are soft and romantic.
Oh, there's this one song- Khwaja mere Khwaja. It shows the whirling dervishes of Turkey. The song and dance of the Sufi saints is supposed to be beautiful when seen live, but in this movie, its just hilarious. It looks like they're killing mosquitoes or something.
Whats with the hullabaloo regarding the historic authenticity of this story. History is never authentic as its always written by the winners. Moreover there's a disclaimer at the beginning of the movie. So what gives?

Little Children

Hmmmmmm... Watching this movie reminded me of my experience with another movie - The Hours. The movies are nothing similar but the emotion I felt was the same while watching both; confusion. I admit, I was totally lost while watching The Hours, but even with Little children, it was like "Excuse me! What the hell's goin on?" Oh, one important thing; This movie is NOT for little children. :)

So, summary of my movie experience of this weekend? Eh.

P.S: I also watched a little bit of Welcome. Don't even want to go there.

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